Saturday, December 3, 2011

5 Steps to Choose Your Financial Advisor

!±8± 5 Steps to Choose Your Financial Advisor

Before you settle on your financial advisor, make sure that you have weighed all your options. The internet is vast and would readily provide you with details and the contact information of financial specialists. Friends and acquaintances could also provide helpful leads in the matter.

1) Encourage to look into the details of maintenance

A good financial planner would encourage you to look into the details of maintenance as well as updating and implementation with periodic reviews of reports and correspondence. Pick the right specialist be it regarding tax advice and preparation, retirement planning stock and equity portfolios, investment strategies, personal budgeting and debt management, savings plans, estate planning, or insurance advice.

2) Check the authenticity of your advisor

A financial advisor needs to be licensed by IRDA in order to be equipped to deal in insurance and by AMFI to deal in mutual funds in India. Any extra qualification such as CFP would add more value to the advisor's portfolio. In addition to the qualifications, the advisor's experience in the profession as well as their exposure to financial dealings in recessionary times would speak for themselves.

Make sure you verify and are aware of the advisor's qualifications, previous financial deals and professional history. The information should give you a clear idea about how well versed with his profession he is.

3) References and information about his previous clientele

It is of prime importance that you gather references from clients who have dealt previously with your potential financial advisor. Not only will this give you a clear idea of his integrity and potential but will also prevent you from getting caught up in any glitches. Make sure that you have chosen the correct advisor to work with who specializes in the field that you desire. It is not a bad idea to take the time to go through the testimonials given to him by his prior clients.

4) Say No to Financial advisors who boast of huge returns

Avoid financial advisers who boast of enormous returns and high performances as they will only put your money in high risk situations. As they say, actions speak louder than words and it applies to this particular situation in a very obvious way. Do not base your opinions on what an advisor claims he can do to make your money grow. Instead, verify and check his documentation and past clientele records to validate his claims.

5) Compensation for services

There are a variety of ways in which an advisor can be compensated for his services. The charges could vary from hourly charges to a flat monthly fee. A percentage on the invested amount or a commission on the same. The compensation could also be based on the number of transactions. Other ways of payment could include a combination of two or more of the methods mentioned above.

Some of the financial advisors may charge you for a number of trades or, procuring commission from the investment companies. At times, these charges could be for personal profitable gains without keeping your best interests in mind.


Do not hold back any queries or questions when it comes to safeguarding your money. Be sure to be well versed with the working and the philosophy of your investment. Always cross-check the qualifications and reputation of your financial advisor. Stay alert and well informed. The results you could reap would be well worth it.

5 Steps to Choose Your Financial Advisor

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Have a Great Voice

!±8± Have a Great Voice

You can have a great voice that compels people to pay attention to you. You can also develop your voice as an instrument for opening to greater aliveness.

It has been said that if you change your voice, you will change your life. You change not only how people perceive and respond to you. But, you also change your level of openness and aliveness. Your voice is an energy generating instrument. It creates vibration which is life-force energy. The more you develop your voice, the more you access the power that is within all of us. Changing your voice can literally open you to greater flow of life-force energy that makes you feel alive and powerful. This is why every meditation system uses some form of intoning, chanting or singing. It opens you up.

The sound of your voice can repel or draw people to you. It can make people want to listen or tune you out. It can excite, energize and inspire or it can dull people's senses. Your voice is connected to your psyche. Your voice is a physical instrument that reflects your psycho-physical state. It's a reflection of your current emotional state and your overall openness to life.

Lessac Voice System is a method created by Arthur Lessac to teach people how to have great voices. Arthur's method is taught in theatre schools all across America. I was trained and certified personally by Arthur Lessac in 1975 and have been teaching this wonderful vocal method since then.

There are 3 technical aspects of a great voice - Diction, Vocal Tone and Proper Pronunciation of vowels. In addition, to vocal technique, emotional color can help make your voice compelling.

Diction is articulation of consonant sounds. Consonants are the non-vowel sounds. Saying pro-ba-bly instead of pro-bly is an example of good diction. Diction makes speech clear, crisp and intelligible to others. By taking care to articulate consonants, you make yourself sound more intelligent and clear.

Vocal Tone is the resonance, pitch and beauty of the voice. Anyone can have a beautiful sounding voice. The secret is to resonate your vocal sound waves so they bounce off the bones in your head. With practice you can learn to place vocal vibrations onto the hard palate- the boney roof of your mouth. When your sound waves hit the roof of your mouth, they resonate in such a way that your voice sounds strong and projects to others. The sound waves then can be expanded into the bones of the sinus, nose and forehead so the whole front of your face is filled with vocal vibrations. Such "mask" resonance produces beautiful tone quality. Vocal tone that is resonated properly has a positive impact on other people. Others perceive you as direct and powerful. A further emotional impact on others occurs when you vibrate sound into your chest bones. By learning to bounce your vocal sound waves off of the bones in the chest, you are able to express the quality of speaking from your heart. Your voice reflects the quality of love and compassion.

Proper enunciation of vowel sounds is needed to have standard American pronunciation, such as broadcasters and actors use. Mis-pronunciation of vowels creates regional dialects and foreign accents. Because there are so many variations of vowel sounds in American English, it is a fairly long process to get rid of dialects and accents. To do so, you need to be prepared to spend some time changing how you speak your vowels. For some people, it is worth the time and effort to learn to speak with standard American pronunciation.

In addition to the Lessac System, I integrate awareness of emotional color into my voice training. Color and sound are both vibrational frequencies that are harmonics of each other. You can learn to produce sound qualities that carry emotional qualities. Red sound is strong, powerful and direct. Blue sound is kind, compassionate and nurturing. Yellow sound is joyful, enthusiastic and exciting. By changing the color of your voice, you can affect different feelings in yourself and different responses in others.

For the most part, people do not seem to know that they can transform the sound of their voices. The same technology that is available to actors, is available to you. You can change any or all of these aspects to your voice to develop the vocal quality that supports your success in life.

Have a Great Voice

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Friday, November 4, 2011

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A New Paradigm in Business Ethics is Needed

!±8± A New Paradigm in Business Ethics is Needed

A new organizational paradigm is needed in order to avoid the all too common lapses in legal and ethical behavior which is seen in organizations in the world today. Ethics can no longer be seen by management of organizations as a side-line activity that is only meant to meet legal and regulatory guidelines, while leaders focus on the more important issues of profitability and the bottom line. Rather, ethics must be seen as a core function of every leader in every organization. To avoid pitfalls of ethical lapses which effect not only the individual, but also the team, the company, shareholders, customers, and the general public, ethics cannot be seen as less important or less urgent than any other managerial and/or leadership function.

In the past, the organization itself may not have been viewed as having direct responsibility for the ethical or unethical behavior of individual members of the organization. Unethical actions of members of the organization were seen as the sole responsibility of the individual. The individual alone could be held accountable for lapses in ethical behavior and the organization itself may not have been seen has having any further responsibility in the matter (Seeger, 2001, p. 3). However, as organizations have become more complex and interconnected, individual responsibility has proven more difficult to ascertain (p. 4). This is true whether we are discussing the responsibility of the successful launch of a new product or not reporting ethical violations. In most any organization today it would be nearly impossible to assign any one individual responsibility for the successful launch of a new product, so it is equally difficult to lay sole accountability for only one individual within an organization who may not report fraud. Was it the researcher who first thought of the idea, or the team who developed the product or the marketing manager or the sales team who is accountable for the success of the new product; or is a combination of all of them? In just the same manner, is it the person who does not report fraud to blame, or his manager who pushes for improved results with less emphasis on reporting procedures, or the legal department for not teaching the proper procedures to make reports, or the Human Resource department for not clearly explaining the rules; or is it an organizational shortcoming where all contribute to the lapses in ethical behavior?

In too many organizations "ethical issues are often positioned in opposition to the more important questions of organization profitability" (p. 4). However, in the new paradigm, shareholders cannot be seen as the only, or the most important stakeholder. Rather, all stakeholders must be seen as equally important for the organization to avoid a narrow economic focus which may lead to lapses in ethical behavior which in the end, lead to severe economic and legal consequences for the organization and its stakeholders (p. 4).

New managers and leaders must focus time and energy not only on making the organization profitable, but they must learn to help individuals in the organization recognize situations which may cause ethical dilemmas and ways in which to apply ethical behavior in a way that satisfies all stakeholders. Teaching individuals how to apply ethics when it comes to moral controversies must become a key focus of leaders in the new paradigm (p. 7). "Applied ethics focuses on norms and guidelines of professional practice, methodologies for promoting ethical decision-making, various codes of conducts and how these function to promote discussion, informal decisions, and resolve practical ethical problems (p. 7). This focus must become a new major responsibility of every manager and leader within the new organization.

Texas Instruments is an example of a company that embodies this new organizational paradigm of management. The National Academy of Engineering cites example of how Texas Instruments' leadership is focusing on ethical behavior on its on line ethics center ( The company has created a website for employees to visit which lists hundreds of articles which have been published in corporate magazine TINews.

Examples like Texas Instruments show how a new paradigm is developing in organizations regarding the managerial focus on ethical behavior. Such focus will have beneficial effects on all stakeholders and a long term benefit to the bottom line by improving stakeholder relations and avoiding costly lapses in ethical behaviors which are damaging to the organization and its stakeholders.


Seeger, M., (n.d.). Ethics and communication in organizational contexts: Moving from the fringe to the center.

On line Ethics Center.

A New Paradigm in Business Ethics is Needed

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

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Monday, August 15, 2011

A level playing field for learning to use a financial calculator

!±8± A level playing field for learning to use a financial calculator

It may be out of talks with bankers, accountants and CPA were you thinking in a "financial loss" as his fingers danced on a financial calculator and the results reported.

You may also wish you could "crunch the numbers" to ensure the piece of mind for you or anyone taking advantage of you.

If any of these situations sound familiar, then you must learn to use a financial calculator.

There are some greatBooks and educational material out there, but you must begin with the computer itself.

You want something that can be computed efficiently, credit lines, mortgages, notes, loans and investments with ease - well, there are many to choose from.

The big question now is: "What?"

Most computers can handle financial functions, and some are much easier to use than others. Here are the top four is used in our industry. If you want to avoid the technical stuff, just go toEarth and discover what I personally use!

The HP12C

Clearly, the industry-leading HP12C the norm has been for all these years and real estate can still be found in banks of most investors'.

The HP12C is very powerful, but comes with some initial problems. You may have noticed a sign that does not have "equal". HP uses the Reverse Polish Notation is 1 +1 = 2 to 1 would be calculated [ENTER] 1 [+] (then you get the answer "2?). The problem is that if youI do not know how to use it, you may want to skip to the next model.

The last model is six times faster speeds for calculating TVM, loan payments, interest rates, the standard deviation, and much more. Work more efficiently with memory for up to 80 cash flows. Ideal for real estate, finance, accounting, workers and businesses. The HP 12C Platinum Financial Calculator is a classic!

The BA II Plus and TI HP10B

Perhaps the most basic of financial calculators, theHP10B (now HP10B-II) or the TI BA II Plus will get the job done.

Posted to provide competitive nature, both the basic needs of a financial calculator. Along with the standard functions of the time value of money, interest, depreciation, cost-sell-margin and depreciation, users can calculate more advanced business and financial matters.

If you are wondering what exactly is the "plus" was purchased in the TI BA II Plus model, you need to look very close (at firstonly additional things were found, characters). BAII Plus allows for different periods of interest payment periods. You can also calculate the bond yield and calls.

That said, the workhorse of the basic calculator, you can not go wrong with either the Texas Instruments BA II Plus Professional Financial Calculator or HP 10BII Financial Calculator.

Texas Instruments Financial Analyst

This is from the production machine is still a popular and useful for an eyeat the local flea market and eBay.

In addition to high speed, the Tifi a large screen, capable of up to four different calculations is the same (column A, B, C and D).

In addition, the Tifi easily recover the cash flow and give the right balance at a specific time.

So what I personally use calculators?

Now my wife always packs while I HP12C Titi (yes a house divided) prefer. As educational workshops that we normally energizedHP10B direction thanks to the accessibility and ease of use for new learners.

No matter what computer you choose, the time to learn the computer is definitely worth it! From now on will save time and money, but perhaps more importantly, better control cash flow.

A level playing field for learning to use a financial calculator

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Monday, August 8, 2011

College graphing calculator

!±8± College graphing calculator

Many teachers of mathematics at the school in Canada and America, allows its students to use graphing calculators in class. Courses calculation of the graphing calculator is a necessary part of student organizations. Now the notebook is equipped with the ability to use it as a graphing calculator. The instructors in some classes such as chemistry or physics ban the computer, because they have the ability to keep the entire periodic table.

The tool is a greatInstrument in order for students to learn certain mathematical procedures that can be used in their future careers, but the student must ensure that it can not rely on computers for their classroom studies. This could be a source of fraud that would keep students learning properly made. It 'just so easy on this machine, that most students do not realize that they do not learn the mathematical techniques, but rely a function ofTool for the complete answer.

Many of the teachers of high schools and universities, students must follow the information on a regular landfill, to keep things on an even during rehearsals. This may work well for trainers of their students learn with their calculators during the test of time and can use what they take to the responses of access to computers to learn to find the answers. This is a requirement by most of the students meet during their learningProcess while participating in a math class.

College graphing calculator

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

1 / 10 Oblomov (1979) SUBS OPTIONAL (English, Romanian, French, Spanish, German)

Optional subtitles (English, Romanian, French, Spanish, German). Select the desired language using the "CC". If you use another language, simply select "Translate Captions" from "CC" button. Несколько дней из жизни И.И. Обломова (1979) Zhizn Neskolko iz dney Zile Din Viata He II Oblomov Oblomov Cateva Theatre Director: Nikita Mihalkov (Никита Михалков). Important role: Oleg Tabakov (Олег Табаков). He Romanul Dupa IAGoncharov, "Oblomov". Detalii: "Oblomov (Обломов) is the most famous Russian writer Ivan Goncharov's novel, Oblomov, published only in 1859 is also the protagonist of the novel, who are often seen as the latest incarnation of a man superfluous symbolic. character in the 19 th century Russian literature. Oblomov was to Shakespeare's Hamlet as a response to "No" to the question "To be or not?" Oblomov is a young noble generous, incapable of appearingimportant decisions or taking any meaningful action. During the novel rarely leaves his room or bed and famous not leave his bed for the first 150 pages of the novel. The book was a satire on the Russian nobility whose social and economic function was increasingly in question in the mid-nineteenth century Russia. The novel was very popular when it came out in Russia and a number of its characters and devices have an imprint on Russian culture and language.Oblomovshchina (Russian: or Обломовщина Oblomovism) has become a Russian word ...

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

In tests using a scientific calculator for math

!±8± In tests using a scientific calculator for math

With exams approaching this is a short article with reminders and advice for all is to take a math test and need a scientific calculator are calculator.The problems common to use:

- Computer Setup in the correct mode

- Not able to find the calculator manual!

- Remember, switch to calculator mode

- Rounding and inaccurate answers

Why a scientific calculator?

Scientific calculators all use the sameIn order to perform mathematical operations. This order is not necessarily the same as just reading a calculation from left to right. The rules for performing mathematical calculations specify the priority and so the order in which a calculation should be done - scientific calculators follow the same order. This order is sometimes abbreviated by terms such as BIDMAS BODMAS and remind students to do calculations.

1. Brackets (all calculations in parenthesesbe done first)

2. Operations (eg squaring, cubing, square rooting, sin, cos, tan)

3. Division and multiplication

Place 4. Addition and subtraction

Aware of this order is to use a scientific calculator properly requested. This order must always be in all the mathematical calculations that are used with the aid of a calculator or not.

Check Calculator

There are two types of scientific calculator, algebraic types of the latest scientificCalculator. Algebraic scientific calculator allows users to type in calculations in the order they were written down. Older scientific calculators need users to press the mathematical operation after them in series have.

To find, for example, press the square root of nine (with an answer of three): [Button]

Algebraic scientific calculator: [square root] [9] [=]

Not algebraic scientific calculator: [9] [square root][=]

Both types of scientific calculator are fine for exams, but make sure you know how to use their own type.

If you are unsure if you have a scientific calculator or not, you have to give:

[4] [+] [3] [x] [2] [=]

If you get an answer of 14, then you have a left to right non-scientific calculator.

If you get an answer of 10, then you have a scientific calculator like the multiplication work.

Lost Calculator Manuals

ComputerManuals tend to get lost very easily or you can never find as a test is imminent. A frequent request is what you can do if you lost the manual for your calculator? If it is a relatively new model, then you can download a copy of the manufacturer's website. If there is an old Sharp or old Casio calculator manual then you can still find these via the Internet. Even with search engines, they can take to find the manuals for some time - the following link has information on new and oldCalculator Manuals Casio, Sharp, Hewlett-Packard and Texas Instruments: here.

Calculator mode

Now that you have your calculator manual you can use your computer to set the correct settings. The default settings are usually:


(Use the MODE button - choose normal not stat) NOT: SD or REG


(Use the MODE or DRG button) NOT: RAD or GRAD


(Use MODE or SETUP and arrow keys) NOT: FIX, SCI,ENG

Many calculators have a reset button on the back, which can be pressed with a pen or paper clip if you want the original factory settings.

The most common mistake is to leave the computer in a previous mode and forgetting to change back! (We all did, just try to avoid the test!)

Common Mistakes Calculator

(A) by pressing the DRG by mistake and not doing trigonometry questions in DEGREES mode. (If you do advanced workThen change the password mode graduates!).

(B) Borrowing an unfamiliar calculator or a new calculator too close to the test and not with the keys and how to change the mode.

(C) to record and forgot to check the work. Each test with a computer should have a warning on it! It is important to note that the calculations are that you get method marks. You should also try to check all the calculations by pressing the wrong buttonButton.

(D) laps before the end of a calculation. Store in calculations the conservation and use of all digits in the calculations. If you use a rounded value too early, then you lose accuracy.

(E) Remember, brackets on the calculations of distribution (for example, when divided by all the lower part of the group) to be used.

Calculators many are now very powerful and have amazing computational power. Some of the programmable calculators are mini computers. Even if allCalculate with 100% accuracy every time, unfortunately they are only as good and as accurate as their operator!

It 'is often the case that the best candidates performance without a computer, as it is very easy to make simple mistakes, you is one thing. If you can do, is certainly useful to get an idea about the size of the response, so that you can see if an answer makes sense or not. There is also a good idea to repeat all calculations only when you press a button mistakes.

In tests using a scientific calculator for math

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